
Your giving impacts the world!

WCC supports a diverse selection of mission organizations local, regional, national, and overseas. Most, if not all, of the missions offer opportunities for volunteers to serve and if one of these missions tugs at your heart, take some time to explore how you might help promote that mission.

Local Missions

1Mission Clinton County

1Mission Clinton County began less than a year ago.

1Mission Clinton County is a group of unified churches seeking to do long term ministry together. The purpose of 1MissionCC is to provide mentoring and biblical education to students and ministry helps to the homeless.

The current director is Dow Tippett from Wilmington Church of Christ.

Our current board president is Dave Hinman from Dove Church, Secretary: John Wirmel, and Treasurer: Dave Frassure.

Our team members have already begun to work the mission of the God’s Church in Wilmington by working together in unity under Jesus Christ.

This group began an afterschool Bible Club at an elementary school in Wilmington in 2022. This has now expanded to two elementary schools in Wilmington in 2023. Cheryl Brackemyre and Latasha Ruddle lead these two groups.

We have begun an initiative for “release time” in our public school system and was passed by the school board right before school began in 2023. We are working to have a ten week trial program to take a grade group of students and teach them religious education off campus from Wilmington City Schools in January of 2024. After the trial run, we seek to include more grades and do the program year round. Dale McCamish will be the first teacher.

When the Restorative Practices Coordinator, Justin Goodman, asked for mentors to help in Wilmington City Schools new Check and Connect mentorship program, 1MissionCC volunteers stepped up to assist. We are about half of the volunteers for mentoring 8th graders who have been flagged as at risk.

1MissionCC has also supported Sugar Tree Ministries, Hope House, and the Homeless shelter by providing requested food and water assistance, driving a few to rehab, and doing helping with a Point in Time Count for the Homeless Shelter.

Currently, we are fund raising to support the stipend for the Director, provide curriculum and Bibles for the Release Time Students, and continue to support our community from God-given directives.

(Information provided by 1Mission Team)

Butler Springs Christian Camp

Butler Springs is a place to get away and experience the goodness of God. Whether you are a hiking on our property, spending time with friends, or challenging yourself with one of our activities, Butler Springs Christian Camp is a place to grow and learn about the Lord.


We strive to create a distraction free environment for our guests be be able to connect with and learn about God. We believe that Christian camping is a great way for young people to grow in their faith and meet Christian role models. We have seen time and time again the impact that camp has had on those who have stepped on our campus.


Our History
In 1949 Butler Springs Christian Camp was founded by several men from the area who saw the property and had a vision. Now almost 75 years later, we are still serving the churches of the Restoration Movement from areas in, near, or around Dayton, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Columbus, northern Kentucky, and towns all over southwest Ohio. Butler Springs began as a week-long all-age camp. Today, it is a multifaceted camp and retreat center that operates year-round.

Over the years, BSCC has kept its foundation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thousands of young people have given their lives to the Lord through the “Living Springs” of Butler Springs. Lives have been changed, ministries have been launched throughout the world by the influence of this camp.

Every summer, thousands of campers and volunteers attend one of our over 50 camp sessions. With our 180 acres of land, excellent facilities, qualified staff, awesome volunteers, and the financial support of our amazing churches and donors, we carry out the Great Commission through this camp ministry!


(Taken from Butler Springs website)

Hope House

The Hope House Vision is to participate in a network of community care, offering women and children overnight shelter at no charge, in a safe, judgment-free, and hospitable environment.

The Hope House Mission is to welcome as Christ welcomed women and accompanying children in need and to offer love, hope, and compassion within a Christian ethos to foster and facilitate the restoration of human dignity, self-respect, and well-being.

Founded in 2014, Hope House is a place where unexpected things happen: unexpected challenges, and unexpected roadblocks, but mostly unexpected grace.

Hope House is a unique place in Wilmington, Ohio: a low-barrier drop-in shelter for women and their accompanying children, and the only one of its kind in the region.

Hope House complements the outreach of the traditional shelters like the Clinton County Homeless Shelter by offering safe haven to women who cannot meet the necessary qualifications that the Homeless Shelter imposes. Some homeless women are not interested in being in shelter every night, preferring to couch-surf with friends and relatives occasionally. Others have criminal backgrounds or are living chaotically in the throes of active addiction.

Others, still, find themselves suddenly homeless. They’re packing what they can carry in the afternoon and out of their house or apartment by nightfall. They need a place where they can walk up to the door at 9:00 p.m. and be welcomed in.

“Thank God for Hope House. If not for them, I would have had nowhere to lay my head safely and (with such loving care), sleep securely at night.”

-Anonymous Hope House Resident


(Taken from Hope House website)

New Life Clinic

Our mission is “The New Life Clinic is committed to upholding the value of human life by educating, encouraging and equipping our community”.

Our vision is “We are striving to be the first choice in Clinton County, supporting: Parenting, Pregnancy, Healthy Relationships and Sexual Health.”

The services we provide are (but not limited to): Abortion Education & Alternatives,
Abstinence/Sexual Purity Education, Baby Bucks Program, Ultrasounds, Fatherhood Program, Pregnancy Tests, Maternity Clothes Lending, Mentoring/Discipleship, Options Counseling, Parenting Classes, Prenatal Vitamins, Post-Abortion Counseling & Support, STI Testing/Treatment and Referrals to Community Resources. Through each of these services we strive to create relationship with each person we interact with. Through this relationship we share the love of Jesus and eventually the gospel message.


(Information provided by the New Life Clinic Director)

Sugartree Ministries

Sugartree Ministries started in the late 1990s on, you guessed it, Sugartree Street in Wilmington, Ohio. Originally founded by a man named Allen Willoughby as a Christian music venue and coffeehouse called Joe’s Java, Sugartree Ministries has grown with the needs of our community—especially after DHL, a major employer, pulled out in 2008 and our community has felt the affects of our nationwide mental health and addiction crisis.

Today, Sugartree Ministries helps the neediest members of our community in many ways, with the focus being on serving 7 hot meals a week. These meals are 100% from community donations, and while we promote accountability, we believe that no mater what a person has done, no one should fall below food, water, air, shelter, and Jesus.


(Taken from Sugartree Ministries website)

World Missions


49.6 million people are estimated to be living in modern-day slavery worldwide.

  • 1 in 4 of those living in modern-day slavery are children.
  • 6.3 million people are trafficked for sex around the world.
  • 4.9 million sex trafficking victims are women and girls.

What is Human Trafficking?

Modern day slavery, or human trafficking, is more prevalent than many realize.

Women and girls forced into commercial sex acts to the profit of a trafficker; men and children coerced into working in hazardous conditions under debt bondage and unfair wages… These are just a few examples of the different types of trafficking that exist in the world today.


AIM’s Response

AIM is working to rescue, heal and empower survivors of trafficking to be free. Because this work doesn’t stop at the rescue. For these girls to truly heal and grow, they need to feel the unconditional, relentless love of Christ. When this love is shown, survivors understand their true worth and value, and then they are able to become abolitionists themselves; raising their voices and fighting for the freedom of other girls.

In addition to this, the protection programs are targeting the root of the issue by addressing the demand for purchased sex and protecting the vulnerable in the community.

China Outreach Ministries

Due to the nature of this work, we cannot publicly share this information online.

Church Northwest Auckland, NZ

Hamish and Molly Taylor have served in New Zealand since 2009.  They helped plant a church in Christchurch, and then in 2019, together with partners Nate and Whitney Hutchison, launched a new ministry called Church Northwest in West Auckland, a fast-developing area on the North Island.  Hamish grew up in a church plant in Auckland, and Molly grew up in the Wilmington church.  They have 3 sons, Liam, Dillon and Riley.

CNW is a welcoming Christian church whanau gathering weekly in NW Auckland. No matter where you’re starting from, you can find a place to belong with us.

Helping each other take our next steps toward Jesus, we’re marked by a growing faith, an authentic love for all people, and an active hope for NW Auckland and beyond.

Colombian Christian Mission

Dale Meade left for language school and his first term on the mission field in the summer of 1973. From that date onward, he has concentrated his efforts in Colombia, South America. When he arrived in Colombia, there was only one small Christian congregation. He and his late wife, Jeannie settled in a village on the edge of the jungle/prairie region of Colombia. From that location, they ministered to the church there as well as the churches that were later established throughout this area.

The ministry has been evangelistic in nature with the ultimate goal of establishing indigenous New Testament congregations in Colombia. As a result, CCM has been involved in many different ministries focusing on that primary goal, specifically the areas of evangelism, church planting, and leadership training. Collateral ministries include translating and writing teaching materials for Colombia and the rest of Latin America, teaching in a Bible Institute, developing a recording ministry, and teaching in a Villavicencio church’s Christian Day School.

In 2000, CCM relocated the base of their missionary work to Bogota, as the insecurity of the jungle/prairie region had become extreme. The new location served well as it permitted them to carry on with many of the same ministries, such as evangelism, church planting, teaching and literature production as well as adding new ministries and expanding the geographical outreach of the entire ministry. During furloughs, Dale finished his Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies and Educational Studies. This permitted him to teach at the graduate level and train leaders for the Colombian church in a greatly expanded manner. Also, together with Dewayne Liebrandt, a Deaf Ministry was begun, greatly expanding ministry opportunities, resulting in outreach being multiplied throughout the country.

Latino Christian Movement

Latino Christian Movement exists to create partnerships with churches and church planting networks to help plant Hispanic Christian Churches in the US. Our vision is to plant 10 Hispanic Churches in 10 years (by Dec. 2032).

Currently they have planted 2 churches in Arkansas, 2 more are in the prelaunch stage to begin in December, 2023. They also are providing coaching, mentoring and training for church planting networks in Nebraska, Colorado, and Florida.

Latino Christian Movement began in May 2022, and exists perpetually in order to continue planting Hispanic Christian Churches.

LCM has a board of directors, 4 couples from Christian Churches, including one minister, and 3 elders. LCM is lead by John Bliffen, Director. Other employees include Elizabeth Bliffen, Administrative Assistant and David Mejia, Media Director.
Current partners are: Arkansas Church Planting Network, Nexus, Mid-South Christian College, Mountain View Fellowship, Florida Church Planting Network.

Lifeline Christian Mission

Since 1980, Lifeline has partnered with local leaders around the world to help develop holistic solutions to problems faced by vulnerable communities.

They believe that sustainable change comes from the community itself. Because within each community are godly, visionary people, problem-solvers, unique resources, a strong work ethic and dreams of a brighter tomorrow.

Since 1980, Lifeline Christian Mission has focused on two objectives:

  • investing in programs that pave a path out of poverty for individuals and families around the world
  • providing opportunities for concerned individuals, businesses, and churches to join God in this work

To accomplish these objectives, we empower Lifeline’s local leaders to lead and develop holistic Gospel-centered ministries that are relevant to their own cultures and will impact generations to come.

4 Areas of Focus

To drive toward holistically healthy individuals and communities, we and our leaders focus on providing access to basic Christian education, increasing availability of affordable quality health care, expanding economic opportunities, and sharing God’s message of love and hope.

By investing in these areas, families are more self-sufficient, community members are healthier, children are empowered for their futures, and churches thrive!

TCM International


TCM International Institute develops Christian leaders for significant service through higher learning.


That every nation will have effective leaders of disciple-making movements impacting their churches, cultures, and countries for Christ.

Core Values

Learning Lifestyle:

Through the development of strong Christian maturity, servant leadership, involvement of diverse cultures, and the transformation character of Christianity, we promote healthy change both in individuals and communities. By establishing a critical mass of strong churches, agencies, and ministries, not only will individual lives be transformed, but the culture of the European, Central Asian, and African countries and cultures will be strengthened through Christ.

Christian Maturity:

Through practical educational preparation for ministry, TCM International Institute trains and fosters indigenous Christian leaders for the purpose of reaching their own countries, cultures, and churches for Christ. In consultation with key leaders throughout Europe, Central Asia, and Africa, we provide a graduate “field based” learning environment of bi-vocational nationals with a practical focus. It must relate to the needs of adult learners who are already involved in significant ministries throughout Europe and Central Asia.

Servant Leadership:

TCM’s holistic preparation for leadership is centrally focused on the whole person: head, heart, hands, and feet. Thus, the educational experiences we provide are designed to develop servant leaders spiritually and professionally as well as intellectually. The challenges these Christian Leaders will face in their post-educational ministry will be great in diverse hostile environments. Having an understanding and ownership of what it means to be Christ-like through their servant leadership will be instrumental in their success.

World Christian Vision:

TCM advocates non-denominational Christianity based solely on Biblical authority. We do not promote any denomination in Europe or Central Asia, but rather work hand-in-hand with anyone who follows Jesus Christ as Lord in obedience to His Word. We recognize and value the diverse indigenous Christian churches, institutions, and agencies already in place throughout Europe, Central Asia, and Africa. Therefore, national partnerships exist in the various countries in which TCM works to provide oversight, counsel, guidance, and direction in all TCM activities for the sole purpose of strengthening their cultures through Christ.

(Taken from TCM International’s website)

Team Expansion, International Services

The idea for Team Expansion was born in 1978, during a small prayer meeting at a Bible college in Eastern Kentucky. There were eight guys in a crowded dorm room and all of them signed their names on a world map. Our president, Doug Lucas, happened to sign beside the country of Uruguay. Four years later, Team Expansion fielded its first team, to Uruguay, by God’s grace.

In 1982, five missionaries left for Montevideo, Uruguay, to start the very first Team Expansion work. In 1983, Team Expansion launched International Services, the people who would recruit, train, coach, and sustain the cross-cultural disciple makers around the world.

For the next 40 years, Team Expansion continued to send out teams to unreached parts of the world. As we learned more about disciple-making movements and multiplication, Team Expansion evaluated and shifted strategies and tools. But our goal was always the same: to take the Gospel to people who had never heard it before.

To date, Team Expansion has sent more than 1000 workers to 70+ fields, including many creative-access locations. Several nations that were once receiving missionaries are now sending out their own Team Expansion workers into the world.

Team Expansion couldn’t exist without the stories of local churches who have partnered with us to encourage and sustain the work. Alongside the local church, our workers serve in businesses, in medicine, in schools, and in churches. Through God’s power, they’re shining the Light of Christ in some of the darkest places in the world.

In 2018, Team Expansion celebrated it’s 40th anniversary.

(Taken from Team Expansions website)

Workers for Mexico

The Mission of WORKERS FOR MEXICO is to take the Gospel of Christ to the people of Mexico, through the support of national evangelists and benevolent works, assisting students & children.

A Loving Outreach of Evangelism, Benevolent Assistance, Church Planting, Preacher-Training,    Camps, Children’s Work, CMM Deaf School and Home, Student Homes, Clinics, Christian University, Correspondence Courses, Feeding Programs, Building Construction and Maintenance throughout Mexico